Jacobin cuckoo

   ›      ›   Jacobin cuckoo - Clamator jacobinus

The Jacobin cuckoo (Clamator jacobinus) belongs to Cuculidae, the family of cuckoos. These cuckoo species are distributed in sub-Saharan Africa, India, Sri Lanka and Myanmar. The Jacobin cuckoo is a brood parasite and lays eggs in the nest of host birds like babblers. There are three recognized subspecies.

Taxonomy of Jacobin cuckoo

  • Scientific Name: Clamator jacobinus
  • Common Name: Jacobin cuckoo
  • French: Coucou jacobin, German: Jakobinerkuckuck, Spanish: Críalo blanquinegro;
  • Other names: pied cuckoo; pied crested cuckoo; Cuculus Jacobinus; Oxylophus jacobinus; Coccystes melanoleucos; Coccystes hypopinarius;
  • Family: Cuculidae › Cuculiformes › Aves › Chordata › Animalia
  • Species author: (Boddaert, 1783)
The three recognized subspecies of Clamator jacobinus are: C. j. pica (Hemprich & Ehrenberg, 1833), C. j. serratus (Sparrman, 1786) and C. j. jacobinus (Boddaert, 1783).


The Jacobin cuckoo is a small bird, measuring 35 cm in length and weighing 70 grams. The adult bird has a glossy black or dark brown back and the chest and the belly are white. There is a white patch on the black wings and a white tip to the black tail feathers. The crest and the bill are black. The iris is dark brown. Their call is a ringing "kiuu" "kiuu" sound.
Indian birds - Clamator jacobinus
Birds of India - Jacobin cuckoo - Clamator jacobinus

Birds of India - Jacobin cuckoo - Clamator jacobinus
Indian birds - Jacobin cuckoo - Clamator jacobinus

Indian birds - Jacobin cuckoo - Clamator jacobinus
Birds of India - Jacobin cuckoo - Clamator jacobinus
Birds of India - Jacobin cuckoo - Clamator jacobinus
Indian birds - Jacobin cuckoo - Clamator jacobinus


These cuckoo species inhabit dry, deciduous forests, thorny, dry scrub jungle, open woodland, thorny jungle, plains and dry lowlands. They avoid dense forests and extremely dry ecosystems.

Diet and feeding habits

The diet primarily consists of insects, grasshoppers, hairy caterpillars, termites, land snails, fruits and berries.


The Jacobin cuckoo species usually breed during June to August in north India. The south Indian subspecies breed during January to March. They do not build nest and lay their eggs in the nest of host birds like babblers. The hatchlings are raised by the host birds.


The subspecies C. j. pica is distributed in sub-Saharan Africa, India, Nepal, Tibet and Myanmar. The subspecies C. j. jacobinus is distributed in South India and Sri Lanka. The subspecies C. j. serratus occurs in South Africa.

Movement and migration patterns

The South Indian cuckoo subspecies make local migrations. The South African subspecies is believed to make breeding migration to north India. Some ornithologists are of the view that only C. J. pica migrates between India and Africa.

Conservation status and concerns

The global population of these species has not been quantified. The overall population trend is stable. These species have extremely large range and hence considered not "Vulnerable".

The IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) has categorized and evaluated these Jacobin cuckoo species and has listed them as of "Least Concern".

Biological classification of Clamator jacobinus
Species:C. jacobinus
Binomial name:Clamator jacobinus
Distribution: Indian subcontinent, Africa, Myanmar, Tibet (China);
Diet and feeding habits:Insects, Larvae (caterpillars), also grasshoppers, termites, snails, eggs, berries;
IUCN status listing:
Least Concern

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1.Image source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Jacobin_Cuckoo_(Clamator_jacobinus)_Photograph_By_Shantanu_Kuveskar.jpg
Image author: Shantanu Kuveskar | License: CC BY-SA 4.0
2.Image source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pied_Cuckoo_(Clamator_jacobinus)_in_AP_W2_IMG_3978.jpg
Image author: J.M.Garg | License: CC BY-SA 4.0
3.Image source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:JacobincuckooDSC_5361_010913_singhola.jpg
Image author: Savi.odl | License: CC BY-SA 3.0
4.Image source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pied_Cuckoo_(Clamator_jacobinus)_with_a_catterpillar_W_IMG_4009.jpg
Image author: J.M.Garg | License: CC BY-SA 4.0
Current topic in Birds of India: Jacobin cuckoo - Clamator jacobinus.